Ghost Hunters SouthWest 2020
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Sedgemoor Battle Site

Press Media Notice:- Ghost Hunters Southwest only accept contact from those who are interested in joining the group or wishing to give details of their experiences.

Ghost Hunters Southwest © 2020

The Battle of sedgemoor or the Monmouth Rebellion/Pitchfork Rebellion held here in Somerset in 1685, occurring on 6th July 1685  the duke of Monmouth and his men marched to the site of the battle not long before midnight hoping to pounce on the kings men who were already camping near by. Obviously not going to plan, the rebellion army were exhausted by the kings men ,many were captured and placed at Weston Zoyland church as prisoners until their trial with the infamous judge Jeffries at what is now the castle museum. The duke of Monmouth fled and was later captured, taken to the tower of London for execution. Many others were hung in trees in and around the site area, a memorial has been erected on the battlefield site. Many local people have reported hearing the ghostly sounds of battle and voices shouting. The place of hanging judge Jeffries used is on a little crossroad on the A38 between Taunton and Wellington now known as Jeffries way.

This investigation will start in July. Anyone interested please contact us.

The Taunton Castle was featured on the Most Haunted program at GHSW recommendation.